The change of UK visa commercial agents in South Africa, from VFS Global to Teleperformance, took place earlier this year (effective April 2014). The UK government have cleverly “outsourced” its front of house (formally known as “Visa Application Centres”) through appointment of commercial agent contracts. Commercial agencies are courier companies who handle biometric capturing (taking of finger prints), passport and supporting document gathering and courier thereof to Pretorias’ Entry Clearance Officials.

Commercial agents have no bearing in the decision being made and are not permitted to give UK visa advice (even though they often try to help fellow South Africans- without legislation understanding).

Since the hand over, Move Up has unofficially helped in the communication breakdown between South African passport holders and the British visa officials. This update serves to help clarify an unannounced change in protocol in the way in which UK visas are now being handled.

VFS Global, the previous commercial agency who served South Africans for 5 years in UK visa applications, took the liberty to setup call centres and administration staff to help process online applications. What the British government and VFS found was that this approach to helping South Africans in the visa submission was too time consuming and costly.

Learning from this, the new commercial agency in place, specifically Teleperformance, has insisted upon an automated and online information system. The UK government have put together a very user friendly website ( and they insist upon giving global advice through their website.

No SA based call centre

We have written confirmation from Teleperformances’ Zone Manager of Southern Africa, Henry Nedambale, confirming that there are no plans in place for SA based call centre function and that South African passport holders are expected to call the UKVI (UK Visa and Immigration department of the UK government) in the UK for their telephonic needs.

The UKVI call centre number is 0044 124 321 8173 and they charge £1.37 (approximately R25) per minute in additional to your standard network charges (specifically international phone calls).

Tracking facility processed online only

Where VFS’s call centre offered a call in tracking service, Teleperformance have setup an online tracking function on .

What we are finding though is that this online tracking function is not accuarately being updated when it comes to collection and availability. There is possibly a breakdown of communication between Pretoria visa officials and Teleperformance online system.

UK visa standard processing times can be found on this website:

Walk-in assistance is not welcomed

Teleperformance operate on a strict appointment basis only. To secure an appointment South Africans are expected to process a visa4uk online application (making payment for their visa online). Once payment has made, applicants can print confirmation of their appointment and their completed application forms.

Unlike VFS, Teleperformance does not have the manpower to provide assistance in completing the visa4uk application and therefore South Africans are expected to complete and pay for their visa application before being able to go into their local Visa Application Centre.

Future of UK visas

On a more promising note, for the past 4 years, UK politicians have been using a xenophobic strategy as a means to win voter confidence. This “immigration sensitivity” took root during the 2009 recession and British nationals have since become sensitive to the number immigrants that occupy their island.

What we have begun witnessing, is a turn in media perspective, where the pros of having foreign skillset to keep the UK competitive in international markets is becoming more valued. While this doesn’t guarantee that South Africans will be getting permission to easily work in the UK any time soon, it does at least begin to show a change in mind set.

If you are looking for further industry know how or immigration assistance, please feel free to get in contact with us.