by Ryan Rennison | Oct 8, 2013 | Move Up, News, Opinion Piece
There is a lot of constructive development being made at Move Up. Especially over the past 2 months. The motivation behind writing this article is to confirm that Move Up is growing and improving. I would like to take this opportunity to first address our change of... by Ryan Rennison | Oct 1, 2013 | Move Up, News
The UKBA announced today that VFS Global will be taking over the major majority of commercial partnership. Increasing their portfolio to include America and Asia. Interestingly enough, Africa is not included in their new growth. An internationally established company,... by Ryan Rennison | Jul 29, 2013 | Move Up, News
Dear readers, Last night, 28th July 2013, our local M-Net show -Carte Blanche revealed the unethical approach of one of the biggest online immigration companies providing “visa assistance” to the general public. The TV show revealed how their travel... by Ryan Rennison | Feb 23, 2013 | Move Up, News, Visas
The UKBA yesterday announced what seems to be an annual increase in their visa fees. ‘These increases are mostly in line with inflation and will ensure that the UK continues to welcome the brightest and the best. It is only right that those who use and benefit... by Ryan Rennison | Feb 19, 2013 | News, UK Visitor and Transit Visas, Visas
The UKBA have begun the implementation of a 24 hour processing time in UK visa applications. As previously announced on the 9th January 2013 – Super Fast Track Service made available in South Africa, it is now clear that the UKBA have had a change in... by Ryan Rennison | Jan 9, 2013 | News, UK Visitor and Transit Visas, Visas
The UKBA are in the process of finalizing a way to process UK visas within 48 hours. After the 2012 Olympic hosting, the UK received global critism for their “technical” approach to leisure visas. The current visa system is being used as a deterent to... by Ryan Rennison | Jan 3, 2013 | Family Dependency, Move Up, News, Student Visas, UK Birth Rights, UK Work Permit, Unique Visas Available, Visas
Effective 31 December 2012, all South African passport holders seeking permission to work or live in the UK for periods longer than 6 months now require a compulsory TB X ray. Further to this requirement, the UKBA have only accredited 3 testing institutions that grant... by Ryan Rennison | Nov 2, 2012 | News, Opinion Piece
Hugh Cortazzi, a former British Ambassador to Japan, writes this article in line with Move Up’s visa perspective confirming that the current “open door” policy that the UK has with the EU is where their immigration approach is going wrong. Released... by Ryan Rennison | Sep 25, 2012 | News, Opinion Piece, Visas
The Prime Minister of the UK, David Cameron, is busy making a stand against the EU’s economy down turn. The impact of his statements are going to have a major turn in the UK’s economy performance and hopefully this step will one day open the UK’s... by Ryan Rennison | Sep 18, 2012 | News, Student Visas, Visas
Ever since the 2008 recession, the Brits have been sensitive to those around them, inhabiting their island and “stealing” their local jobs. Politicians have jumped on the band wagon and have used xenephobia as means to get elected. Promising more job...