by Ryan Rennison | Jul 1, 2021 | COVID-19, Move Up, News, Visas
The EU vaccine passport is in its rollout phases and vaccinations across the UK are moving along swiftly. With these two events coinciding, it was expected that travel restrictions would be eased in time for the summer but the UK’s “Traffic Light System” is still... by Ryan Rennison | Jun 25, 2021 | News, Opinion Piece
Past Being born in the early 80s, I am part of the generation where we have experienced technological improvements impacting our way of life. Fortunately / unfortunately, my generation is the last to grow up without social media. Historically speaking, it has been... by Lisa Aspeling | Feb 1, 2021 | British Passports
If you are South African you have probably heard many people say, “I wish I had a UK passport”. You may have even said so yourself. It all sounds wonderful and many people see the UK as a place where the grass is greener, and opportunities are many. It is fair to say... by Lisa Aspeling | Feb 1, 2021 | News
Have you wondered if you will ever get on an international flight again? And if you do, how will the experience be different from before COVID-19 entered our lives? We take a look at the upcoming changes to international travel and how they will affect you and your... by Ryan Rennison | Mar 20, 2020 | News
COVID-19 has affected us all. As a predominantly online business, delivering excellent customer service and protecting our staff are top priorities at Move Up. At the same time, we are striving to be socially responsible and do our part in making a difference to help... by Lisa Aspeling | Mar 3, 2020 | News
The outbreak of the coronavirus in China has gripped news headlines as governments, multi-national corporations and the public have been affected by what reporters have called a ‘pandemic’. But how serious is this new virus, and should you change your travel... by Lisa Aspeling | Feb 27, 2020 | Pet Relocation
Our pets are a part of our families, which is why so many pet owners in South Africa look into taking their cats and dogs with them to the United Kingdom (UK) when they emigrate. We’ve gone and done all the ‘dogsbody’ work, so you can sit back, relax and get... by Lisa Aspeling | Feb 20, 2020 | News, Visas
The United Kingdom (UK) is adopting an Australian-style points system to replace their current immigration approach now that the UK has left the European Union. Under the new points system, migrants will have to accumulate at least 70 points in order to be... by Lisa Aspeling | Feb 10, 2020 | News, Visas
In the wake of Brexit and the United Kingdom’s (UK) new skills-based immigration system, South Africans will have increased access to UK work visas. According to Move Up, the new immigration system will see South Africans given access to work visas – in some cases... by Lisa Aspeling | Jan 23, 2020 | News
Long haul flights are inherently high-risk journeys, and not just because you’re travelling in a giant metal flying machine over 30,000 feet in the air. While flight attendants might evaluate how you’re dressed to see whether you may be a suitable candidate for...